Arctech, Curling and Rotary

Arctech is a proud longtime supporter of Rotary and the service that the two local clubs provide to the community of Fort St John.  Some of the projects that Arctech has completed for Rotary are;

  • The Rotary Signs welcoming visitors that enter the city from southern, northern and eastern sides of the city
  • The giant flagpole that is located at the Rotary RV Park at the siuthern end of Charlie Lake
  • Financial support for the many fundraisers Rotary has held over the years including donations of our welding services or items that the company has fabricated for auction.

Dean Thom one of Arctech’s owners and 3 other local business owners are off to curl in Scotland this month as part of a Rotary Fellowship Bonspiel.  On April 6th, 2018 the International Curling Fellowship of Rotarians is holding their bi-annual bonspiel in Hamilton, Scotland.

 The object of the Curling Fellowship is to promote international fellowship between curling Rotarians and every two years to hold a curling competition to determine the champion of the Curling Fellowship.  The last championship was held in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, in April 2016. The 2018 event will be held in Hamilton, Scotland, with 11 teams competing in the championship event and up to 16 teams in the friendship event. The curling competition involves a round robin with two games per day. At the conclusion of the round robin the top 4 teams compete in a semi final and a final.

The many traditions and customs associated with the sport of curling, including its camaraderie, fit like a hand in a glove with Rotary fellowship. The 150 plus Rotarians and spouses look forward to a great week of fellowship at the curling championships.

Dean Thom